Eager to find out more about the roots and raison d’être of this collaboration, Neue Grafik’s sources of inspiration and how ‘Innervision’ more generally came to be, we caught up with Fred and Kesiena to give you a bit more insight on the duo’s ways and means.
ArtistNeue Grafik
Results3Nurtured on jazz and soul music, the sound developed by Parisian producer Neue Grafik drapes itself in the silkiest of sonic folds and wrinkles, avid for the solar and radiant power of a deep, funky groove to bind the most motley of crowd together.
VERTV Records
For this weeks mix we shine light on a new record label from Paris, VERTV, operated by a solid group of gents with varied tastes and differing influences, but who all have a deep involvement and love for the music scene. EV4NS, Hybu and Neue Grafik serve up a swashbuckling back-to-back mix.
Premiere: Neue Grafik – Jam For Muhammad
Little may be known about Paris-via-London based Neue Grafik as of yet, still the French producer’s been delivering a consistent string of suave house ballers over the last couple years, more
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