In the realm of electronic music’s expansive universe, Sangre Voss and Will Hofbauer‘s collaborative project and label whirm emerges as a delightfully off-kilter celestial entity. Their six-track
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ArtistWill Hofbauer
Results3Premiere: St. Amp – Lyra Pad (Will Hofbauer’s Lycra Mix)
Dublin-based imprint Reasons To Dance prepare to release ‘Lyra Pad‘ from London-based producer St. Amp. Following previous contributions to Sputnik One’s N-Face imprint and Reasons To
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Premiere: Will Hofbauer & Sangre Voss – Pumice
London’s Control Freak Recordings ready ‘Steppe‘, a collaborative EP from vibrant upcoming producers Will Hofbauer and Sangre Voss, featuring three original tracks and a blinding remix
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