NYC-based experimental imprint RVNG Intl. are celebrating their 15th year of sonic curiosity this month, and they’ve invited eminent DJ and beat scientist Beatrice Dillon to put together a mix of their extensive catalogue.
Providing no track list, Dillon has avoided the conventional “retrospective” approach in favour of a constructive re-imagining of the label’s work so far. Expect an expertly threaded tapestry of aural idiosyncrasies, studded with hidden wonders.
Speaking about the anniversary, RVNG have said “There’s no real reason we decided to acknowledge RVNG’s fifteenth anniversary and not our fifth, or even our tenth. But here we are, a decade-and-a-half later and honestly, not so far removed from where we started. We’re still listening and learning, and we’re still loving this fabled label life.”
The two-part mix is an inventive collage of both released and unreleased material that features “loads of cut ups, blends, edits, layered loops, audio manipulation, collaging, etc.,”, in addition to moments “where the tracks just run cos they sounded great to my ears.”
“RVNG Intl. at 15: Beatrice Dillon Selects / Dissects” is scheduled for release 14th December, available as a limited edition (250 only) hand-stamped cassette, the only way of accessing a digital download of the entire mix. Order a cassette here.
Discover more about Beatrice Dillon and RVNG Intl. on Inverted Audio.