The fifth album from Christian Hornbostel, ‘Annus Alchemicus‘, is fixated on the twelfth number: an auspicious figure in the divisions of the year, the hours of night and day, the astrological signs and those of the famous Zodiac. Across these twelve tracks, Hornbostel makes a sweeping statement in electronic sound.
While many of the tracks on the album align with certain genericisms in techno — 4/4 time signature, rolling kickdrums and a somewhat minimalist palette — there are more than a few that deviate in beautifully creative manner, sliding between downtempo, IDM, ambient, even prog- or post-rock.
‘IX‘ is in this manner. The ninth of the 12 pieces, it eschews a typical electronic instrument suite for rolling live drums, reeling electric guitar right out of 90’s ambient electronica, and pensively melodic synths. The beat is driving, but in a kind of widescreen Americana style — no chuggy or predictable techno club imagery here, rather a view out over plains passing rapidly by, as the asphalt burns beneath a setting sun.
‘Annus Alchemicus’ is scheduled for release 21 October via Praedikat Records. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
01. I
02. II
03. III
04. IV
05. V
06. VI
07. VII
08. VIII
09. IX
10. X
11. XI
12. XII