A machine-spoken love story exhumed from Berlin’s darkest subterranean ducts, EVA‘s slipstream debut EP for Power Station, ‘Einsam‘, could well chant the tale of a feeling AI, awakening from its domotic enslavement to discover the vast free world it’s always been eschewed to get acquainted with, learning the ways to love and friendship, away from the violence and abuses of our frenzied world.
Breaking the EP in, the title-track ‘Einsam‘ (German for lonely) yokes a deeply emotional cold wavey melody to a neurasthenic EBM kinda beat, topped off with a whiff of post-Berlin school, kosmische-infused electroid swing for good measure. Although rigged out in downright synthetic envelopes at first glance, the track rapidly reveals innervated with an endless meshwork of organic intricacies and pulsating, fleshly membranes. When the iron hearts throb, humans hide to sob.
Einsam is released via Power Station on 23rd June, pre-order a copy from Bandcamp.
A1. Einsam
B1. The Gitter
B2. P808
Discover more about EVA and Power Station on Inverted Audio.