When a promo lands in the mail, there’s chances you’ll just stumble upon another “EDM lord *insert name here* smashes it at Tomorrowland” (what’s the spam box for, I’m asking you) kind of email, or it can instead be the message from a good friend with a trusted taste that suddenly monopolises your attention. OK, these are the two extremes to a much broader picture, yet when Emmanuel – half of the Nummer duo – sent me a digital missive announcing the forthcoming launch of his and Silvère new imprint, Natural Selections, it was definitely a little epiphany that happened upon hearing Mårble‘s sixth studio album. A moment of musical grace most definitely.
Elusive and mysterious, ‘Elixir Of Immortality‘ is one of these unique records you’ll love to help your friends discover but it’s also the kind that’ll give you a headache when trying to develop your arguments as for what it is you love so much about it. Embarrassing. As a matter of fact, Mårble’s long-player doesn’t freezes genres in their initial postulates and inert essence, it sublimates them; transcending all kinds of aesthetic limitations in its search for all-embracing harmony. ‘Elixir Of Immortality‘ is indeed the work of an alchemist transmutating the very nature of known elements into purer, nobler melodic shapes and patterns, never quite falling into the expected basket.
As Going Good helmsman Brian Not Brian aptly puts it in his presentation of the LP, “it’s ‘ambient’, it’s ‘jazz’, it’s ‘electronic’ – but not as we know it. In fact, it’s everything all at once, in one huge psychedelic, synthesised burst of colour and sound.” Spot on, sir. Our pick from the record, ‘Aquarium‘ is a striking example of Mårble’s inalienable sound universe: melding slo-mo dream pop riffs with enticing xylophonic accents and subtly inlaid synthy reliefs. Anton Glebov has managed to breathe a sense-confusing depth into his compositions – halfway haptic sensations and calmative visions. No doubt, ‘Elixir Of Immortality‘ is right there at the top of this year’s most essential releases.
Elixir Of Immortality is released via Natural Selections on 10th August, pre-order a copy from Chez Emile Records.
A1. Golden Bells
A2. 4.19
A3. Archipelago
A4. Schwarzenegger’s Cry
B1. Tahiti
B2. Aquarium
B3. Seaside
B4. Vyasa
B5. Hanging Gardens
Discover more about Mårble and Natural Selections on Inverted Audio.