Soma’s electro sub-label Avoidant are back with a stacked compilation effort. Featuring both big names as well as the freshest emerging talent, ‘Planet Destroyed’ contains plenty of post-apocalyptic club weaponry.
Familiar names like LUZ1E, Marcel Dettmann and Nite Fleit will no doubt stand out in the track list. However, there’s also plenty of heat from up-and-comers producers. Ngoni Egan’s contribution to the release is definitely one of the highlights.
Egan is fresh off the back of an appearance on Carista’s United Identities imprint, a release called ‘Re Teng’ that showcased both slick electro and techno. The Rotterdam-based artist is in electro mode on ‘A Compute B Programme’, a paranoid and hyperactive cut with plenty of bounce.
‘Planet Destroyed’ is scheduled for release 5 December via Avoidant Records. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
1. Francois Dillinger & Lloyd Stellar – Control Data
2. Marcel Dettman – Motorman
3. Slam aka Autonomous – Into The Light
4. SOD-90 – Vinyl Corset
5. Luz1e- Draw The Line
6. YTP – E.T.H.E.R.
7. Nite Fleit – The Sweet Ride
8. Atix – Slow Down
9. Dim Deck – Cyborgs on Hell
10. Ara-U – GUAGUA
12. Ngoni Egan – A Compute B Programme
13. Marco Bruno – Cybernetic Healing
14. Amber Cox – Borean
15. Terrestrial Access Network – Change of Seasons
16. D3070 – Bonus Beat
17. Denssal – Drones