“For a pirate is not included in the list of lawful enemies, but is the common enemy of all; among pirates and other men there ought be neither mutual faith nor binding oath“. Here’s what Cicero had to say about pirates. To a certain extent Italian techno maverick Shinoby acts like a pirate in the industry, moving away from the usual wakes and releasing his material on his own, via his personal platform Istheway.
Sure we could use good old clichéd terms like “uncompromising” to highlight Omar Contri’s unbowed stance towards a somehow over-calibrated techno scene that tends to rely too much on the same unchanged recipes whilst focus should be put on the flurry of exciting off-axis acts that have been emerging in recent times – Beau Wanzer, Bergsonist, Pyramid Club, Nick Klein… to name a few.
‘Celestial Bliss‘ marks another step in Contri’s consistent flowering, discharging eight cuts of tense, strong-arm techno rollers and abrasive drone onslaughts veering off onto hardcore and noise territories. Streaming in full over at our channels, the title track finds Shinoby laying out a mesmeric slo-mo stomper, meshing hyperventilating trip hop tropes and broken industrial rhythms set against a flock of obsessive synth arpeggios and shrill machinic hiss. Ruthless.
Celestial Bliss is released on 2 x 12″ via Istheway in May 2017. Artwork comes courtesy of graphic designer Anita Poltronieri.
A1. Celestial Bliss
A2. My Dissent
B1. My Dissent (Syntappella)
B2. Forever More
C1. Shine Of Chians
C2. Making Art Amid Chaos
D1. Obscure Creed
D2. Days Of Despair