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Tickets: ELSI with Flørist, Luca Carluccio B2B Imad, THC, Zeynep at ÆDEN

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Please note you only have 10:18 to complete this transaction before your tickets are re-released.
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Following the ‘Wonderland’ EP release party in September with Flørist, Nathan Melja and Margaux, Berlin-based collective ELSI return to ÆDEN on Thursday 11th November for another hot ‘n’ sweaty dance with Flørist, Luca Carluccio back-to-back Imad, THC and Zeynep.

Tickets are available via Inverted Audio. If you require assistance with your purchase, contact Ticket Support.


Sadly the pandemic isn’t over. Please follow COVID-19 etiquette:

  • 2G – Entry only vaccinated or recovered – (only digital ID accepted)
  • Check-in via Luca App QR code or contact list
  • Please wear a mask at the entrance
  • Stay good