Fearless explorators of the wilder fringes of electronic music, Beau Wanzer and Maoupa Mazzocchetti are the kind of producers one can (and should) not expect anything but surprise from. Incepted in 2017 with the deliciously wonky ‘Crepes‘, their collaborative project De-Bons-En-Pierre is back this spring on Dark Entries with a gleefully filthy and mind-altering twofold offering, packed to the brim with misfit analogue spins, deliquescent melodies and inward-collapsing rhythms.
Lifted from the first volume of these twisted, Cronenbergian micro-epics, our premiere ‘Pop Corn Sous Le Lit‘ is a boozed-up, staggering acid roller on the hunt for some food to fill its dying batteries. Squelchy hardware spurts and distorted chords burst and bounce like corn kernels in a frenzied popper, while the drums beat the savagest of chopped-up, 303-spitting electroid pulse. Not quite sure whether this is zombie music for the robots, or the other way around, but one thing’s sure: DBeP’s sound is all set for our apocalyptic future. Crazy stuff.
EP No.1 and EP No.2 are released via Dark Entries on May 10th, pre-order a copy from Bandcamp.
EP No.1
A1. Wrong Dose Nice Things
A2. Pop Corn Sous le Lit
A3. Insect Repellent Company
B1. No Cure for Cancer
B2. A Very Bad Meal
B3. The War Room
EP No.2
A1. His Name Is Fud
A2. Frog Stoemp
A3. Least Liked
A4. Gras Saturé
B1. The Terrible Translation
B2. Centipedes
B3. Ebmeme
Discover more about De-Bons-En-Pierre and Dark Entries on Inverted Audio.