French artist Eva 00 makes a debut on Tropical Animals, the Florence based record label of Ricardo Baez. There are scant details on Eva 00, bar this link to the recently resurfaced and classic anime series Neon Genesis Evangelion. What is evident is an ear for a quality dusty groove.
‘It’s All About The Attitude‘ features four club geared tracks that would find favour with any fan of the wares of labels such as X-Kalay and Tape Archive. However, it is our premiere that cuts a different path and immediately flagged itself as something to pay attention to.
‘VR Instrumental‘ is a slick electro workout, smooth as you like – it is insistent and begs you to play it at the start of a mix, it will be gnawing at your instinct to skip right back to the start to experience it afresh, it is the umami for your deepness taste buds.
‘It’s All About The Attitude’ is scheduled for release 5 July via Tropical Animals. Order a copy here.
1. Panthers
2. VR Instrumental
3. I Don’t Care, I Don’t Care, I Don’t Care
4. It’s All About The Attitude
5. Ok I’m a Thug, But A Thug Needs Love
Read more about Eva 00 and Tropical Animals on Inverted Audio.