Following notable releases from disco super lover Jorkes, Massimiliano Pagliara or Zombies In Miami, German imprint Freeride Millenium prepare to release the four-track ‘PnoPBBB‘ EP – courtesy of São Paulo-born Berlin-based producer ROTCIV.
After numerous appearances on Permanent Vacation, Massimiliano Pagliara’s Funnuvojere Records, Full Pupp and Cormac’s Polari Records among others, ‘PnoPBBB‘ presents tasty morsels of dark disco, post-italo delusions, interplanetary trance arpeggios and oddball house stompers. It seems to be properly designed for Panorama Bar enthusiasts.
Our pick for the premiere is ‘Mythology‘ – a semi-arid folk trance passed down from a bunch of freaky hinky punks. A cathedral-esque chorus, boisterous kickdrums, chuggy percussions and acid basslines bring quarrelsome ancestors together under obscure grooves.
‘PnoPBBB’ is scheduled for release on 15th February via Freeride Millenium. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
1. Freiheitzeit
2. Strong & Heavy
3. Italo-Trance
4. Mythology