German producer Baaz has been making quite an impression of late, with his individual take on deep house ensuring his is a name that continues to crop up in influential circles. His previous endeavour (the debut instalment in his What About Talk About series), played a prominent role in him doing exactly that, while the series’ second outing sees him saunter down a similarly cultured, high-end, house-inclined road.
“Owls Night” is an early highlight. Polished, primed and laden with groove, it boasts all the hallmarks of a track from yesteryear – complete with a curious, snaking bassline that provides the main talking point.
The celestial strands of “Those Things” then lend an air of luscious sophistication to proceedings, before Soulphiction – himself an expert in this sort of field – turns in a splendid remix of Baaz and Iron Curtis’ K.M.S. With the original a slow-burner that barely breaks 90BPM, Soulphiction successfully steers it in a more animated, momentum-led, kick-heavy direction.
Closing gambit “Whatabouttalkabout” sees Baaz pitch matters down a significant notch via a gentle, meandering slice of experimental electronica, culminating a package that’s brimming with eclectic greatness.