Succeeding a promising debut EP on the excellent Russian Torrent Versions, ‘The Old Candelabra’ marks Domenico Crisci’s first steps on L.I.E.S. The title may sound as mystically obscure as a Dario Argento film, but the four track EP unveils itself as an opaque and smouldering string of knotty techno tracks, slamming back and forth through industrial machinery and totemic grooves.
Showcasing his array of acid bass lines, Crisci embellishes his tracks in ‘90s ravey, husky beats territory. In this sense, the title track doesn’t contravene but certainly has some extra softness, compared to the industrial scree of the following tracks. As the bass lines keep pelting indifferently, sun-streaked congas intersperse in a refreshing and rather organic dash to the pale-lit features of Domenico’s massive warehouse tunes. Like a time bomb that never explodes, ‘The Old Candelabra‘ keeps the tension high and its listener under pressure without ever bogging down.
Following the sweetened audio frenzy of A1, ‘Silver‘ takes over and although it most certainly isn’t the flagship track here it still lights up a flare path to the second part with sure fire efficiency. The groove takes off in a cascade of stocky kicks and two-notes swing while a bleep-like machine keeps monitoring your exposure to Crisci’s blend of techno slabs and background sonic dribbles.
That said, the apocalyptic flip side of the record outdoes the first in terms of industrial lunacy, discharging the latent sonic dementia felt on side A in full and letting its succession of rage-fuelled engines take control. On ‘Swan Wings‘ in particular, Crisci gives vent to a constant burst of infernal, twisted bass waves as he loves them, spinning high over a motor-like, relentless humming.
Claustrophobic and straightforward, the mazy four track run offered by the Italian producer closes on the inflexible ‘Transit‘, a track that doesn’t differ much from the rest of the EP but does stir up the hornet’s nest a last time with full effect. Unfurling like a Möbius strip of passive-aggressive techno right in the wake of Crisci’s first three face-melters, the final track rises as a mesmerizing throw back to early UK free parties but does not simply do that. Effortlessly, The Old Candelabra draws subtle new contours to warehouse music and shines a bright light on a producer who shall end up the year amongst 2014’s most impressive breakthrough talents.
Discover more about Domenico Crisci and L.I.E.S. on Inverted Audio.