One could easily observe that the busier Eomac gets, the better the music he writes. And lately he is very busy: with his debut album Spectre set for release in May via Killekill, he now reveals two EPs out of nowhere. And to top it all off, the EP recorded under his new moniker EeOo is allegedly getting recognition from Aphex Twin. The other EP, entitled Origin And Destination, is a return to Candela Rising; last year he released a single for the label with his friend Dara Smith as Lakker. Origin And Destination is not just a direct dancefloor affair, but also potentially his best release so far as Eomac.
Chob on the A-side is the brutal one. Heavy techno at high speed with an excellent in medias res opening makes time move substantially faster: it bangs from the very first second and never loses its focus. One of Eomac’s fastest tracks so far, the change in tempo and the strengthened rhythms add a new dimension to his sound, while the rest of his palette – essentially, metal machines clashing in an artificially organic environment – remains intact. Broken structures and conceptual elements return on the flip side, representing rather the artist we’ve known. While The Cure still flirts with some 4/4s, the importance of the background rises and in the closing piece, Tribs, the ambient sounds and melodies actually have more effect than the drums themselves.
When I reviewed Spoock a year ago, I certainly wasn’t disappointed, but the EP was lacking something – something which can be fully heard on Origin And Destination. I’m not so sure what it is, but Eomac’s sound is definitely more confident, brave and recognizable now. Fingers crossed for his upcoming album Spectre: if he can submit an LP that cashes this big a cheque, he could be one of techno’s pioneers in 2014.
Discover more about Eomac and Candela Rising on Inverted Audio.