Towards the end of last month Jack Dunning aka ‘Untold’ announced the beginnings of a new label ‘Pennyroyal Records’. An output for rough and ready Techno in the UK, it’s got the makings of something unpretentious and stomping for DJ’s and party-goers to get their teeth into. The ‘Hemlock Recordings‘ boss has maintained the theme, naming the label after an equally dangerous plant, but there seems to be nothing toxic about the music he’s willing to sign.
Unashamedly coining the label ethos as ‘DJ tools, cheap party tricks and relentless noise’, we’ve got a couple of top London guns showing us how it should be done. The first release has fallen to the duties of J.Tijn, and the tracks are sure not to disappoint.
With the slight dissolution of Dubstep as the prevailing popular genre, the cool kids have been looking for something else to nod their heads to, resulting in a rapid resurgence of Techno. Don’t get me wrong, Techno never went away, but it’s definitely more hip than square now. As music goes, this is definitely on the more relentless, industrial end of the scale with track titles like ‘Bruise’ and ‘Fucklebucks’. Slowly evolving build ups and aggressive bass tones show no sign of respite, working the mind up to a point of neurosis and nervous disposition. Those acquainted with this thread of Techno might be reminded of pioneers like Chris Liberator, or more suitably ‘Geezer’s ‘RAW Records‘ imprint. With no holds barred, you can expect this label will do exactly what it says on the tin.