Whether you’ download their amazing podcasts, attend their ever more vital events or avidly follow their releases – you’ll definitely understand how consistently on-point these Wolf + Lamb guys are.
I don’t think anything quite demonstrates this better than this Love Someone LP. Like the very best of Detroit long players, it goes absolutely everywhere house music should go. From the 808, acid infused stronghold of their Mock & Toof remix, to the flippant equalizing and arms aloft disco joy of ‘Love Someone’.
For a collection of tracks and remix work, the release sure holds together as an album. Not truly in the conventional sense, as dance music often doesn’t – but there is definitely enough here to maintain a listeners interest. I’m not going to lie though; this stuff is for playing out, or enjoying on mixes.
Anyone who was in attendance at last week’s Wolf + Lamb presents party in London recognises just how cool these guys are. Their names are Gadi Mizrahi and Zev Eisenberg. Those aren’t the names you find amongst people like us. Those are the names of people ball around in tailored suits, and actually use speed dial. I know the word ‘cool’ and ‘guys’ would probably make you switch of quicker than the appearance of Eamon Holmes’ smug, chin-heavy face – but if you’re still with me, trust me on this one. They just know how to get everything right. In terms of parties, it’s that they realise all you need is a basement, a speaker stack and rolling tracks for several hours. And in terms of releases, well all you have to do is put out the hottest tracks, and some really nice design to go along with it goes a long way. This one is essential.