Over Düsseldorf’s multifaceted bastion for arts Salon des Amateurs hovers the shadow of Det Weinrich aka Tolouse Low Trax, eternal pathfinder and crafty sound twiddler in his own right; a figure who greatly inspired a whole fringe of the local scene and beyond over the years: from Jan Schulte to Lena Willikens onto Themes For Great Cities and many, many others…
Following on from the stunning ‘Rushing Into Water‘, Weinrich joins forces with the ever-reliable Antinote crew for a massive retrospective vinyl trilogy whose first instalment should drop late October. Expect four tracks of the finest standard, melding proto variations of recently released cuts, acidic churners and floor-ready explosives sprinkled with his usual dose of off-kilter grooves and brain melting electronics.
The first volume of Decades will land via Antinote in late October.
1. Make Friends
2. Ejekter
3. Hidden Flat
4. Studies In Drama
Discover more about Tolouse Low Trax and Antinote on Inverted Audio.