As far as a barometer of desirability goes, Discogs marketplace value is perhaps not the most scientific of indicators but is more than sufficient for a piece of finger in the air analysis. With that in mind, Inverted Audio are proud to announce a piece of news that will have the second hand market sellers weeping into their dusty racks of 12”s.
Kevin McHugh aka Ambivalent has announced a re-release and remix package of Invader, the key track from his highly rated inaugural EP as LA-4A, which launched his Delft label in 2013. Drawing a diverse set of admirers – such as Erol Alkan, Optimo, Bicep, Mike Servito and A Made Up Sound – has served to launch the label with the steadiest of foundations and push the out of print original to a starting price of £43 on the second hand market. That’s if you can find it, a threadbare pair make up the options on Discogs.
This re-release is backed up with a new remix from Alden Tyrell and a remix of America Kid by Matrixxman – both of which add a fresh bit of sparkle while leaving those with the original release with something unique still.
For deckless fans of the previous seven releases sandwiched between these LA-4A issuings, the label has also announced that they are officially heading digital for the first time. This momentous occasion will be upon us at the end of the month, preceding the physical release of Invader in April 2015.
In the meantime, get an exclusive preview of the America Kid remix below to get you in the mood, or order a vinyl copy through Clone.
A1 Invader (Alden Tyrell remix)
A2 Invader (original mix)
B1 America Kid (Matrixxman remix)
B2 America Kid (Synthapella)
Discover more about LA-4A, Matrixxman and Delft on Inverted Audio.