It’s no secret that we here at Inverted Audio like ourselves a bit of xxxy, as we’ve taken notice of his sonic evolution over the last few years. We had always known that the Berlin-based producer was a unique type of breed, finding ways to squeeze out new directions and variations on familiar tropes within the genres of house, garage and techno.
Even lately, with his most recent release “Get Banged” on Doc Daneeka’s Ten Thousand Yen, he finds ways to play with the context of straightforward club music by turning a bass-bumping wallop into a grinning triumph without a shred of irony. Time and time again, he finds way to turn things on their head and bring a new wrinkle to the sonics he’s surrounded himself.
So imagine our surprise when our Newytpe Rhythms family were able to get him to contribute a special guest mix of summer jams – we were nothing short of elated at the prospect of xxxy providing his own personal take on a sun-kissed trip on the dancefloor; and he certainly did not disappoint with this guest mix. Check out the mix following about 48 minutes of tunes from resident Sheepshead.
00:00-47:53 mixed by Sheepshead
01. Biosphere – Monju-2
02. Bwana – Hell Is Other Robots
03. Graze – Shadow Play
04. Mike Dehnert – Komposit
05. Trevino – La View
06. Airhead – Paper Street (Nick Höppner Remix)
07. Barker & Baumecker – Schlang Bang
08. Martyn – Secrets
09. CALDERA – Technon 2L
10. Matthew Herbert – Cheekbone
11. Leon Vynehall – Pier Children
12. Unknown Artist – Untitled B2 (Hardcore Edits)
13. Etch – Untitled Hardcore #2
47:54 – END – mixed by xxxy
Discover more about xxxy and Newtype Rhythms on Inverted Audio.