London based record label The Trilogy Tapes, run by Will Bankhead (perhaps known his design work on the Honest Jon’s and Mo Wax’s sleeves), began life as a blog, pushing oddball cassette mix tapes and T-Shirts. Since then, TTT has grown into a fine electronic record label that has released records from Theo Parrish, Willie Burns, Kassem Mosse, Anthony Napels and Ben UFO to name a few.
Next up on the label is Minor Science‘s debut work entitled ‘Noble Gas‘. Loose percussion, dusty synthesisers and sporadic delay make up the 5-tracker, providing both clubbers and listeners with much excitement. The consistent quality from Trilogy Tapes continues with this EP.
Minor Science ‘Noble Gas EP‘ is released next week. Stream tracks from the EP to the left or via Minor Science on Soundcloud.
Discover more about The Trilogy Tapes on Inverted Audio.
1. Lightfastness
2. Silence
3. Hapless
4. The Beckoner
5. Foggy Situation