Avian, home to music from the likes of Shifted, SHXCXCHCXSH and Rhyw, prepare ‘Dialoge‘, a six-track EP from GEZA, aka Grebenstein.
Those unfamiliar with Avian’s angle of music might find a foothold of understanding with the label’s artist roster: Shifted in particular has long been carving out a name for himself in sonically rich, often dark, techno, with a certain twist to it that elevates it above the mundane.
GEZA’s release follows suit, with distortion, repetition and rugged beats being the key calling card. Many of the tracks fit into a kind of crumpled 4/4 pattern, the lead beat broken away slightly from on-the-line structures like they’ve been compressed or mangled into place, and hinged on techno’s main premise of inducing other mind-states through cyclical nature.
The simply-named tracks bear no opulence, and the musical content somewhat reflects this with a clear focus on percussive elements to form the functionality of the tracks. ‘DIA002‘ demonstrates this well, a simplistic but sonically dynamic drum beat pounding out over a rippling bassline which dominates the lower frequency range. A rough-edged tool for patient DJs, and moments of anticipation.
‘Dialoge’ is scheduled for delivery 16 July via Avian. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
1. DIA001
2. DIA002
3. DIA003
4. DIA004
5. DIA005
6. DIA006