With the stated aim of producing “forward-thinking dance records from the five boroughs and beyond“, New York-based label Lost Soul Enterprises has established over the past half-decade as one of the most intriguing and consistent techno labels from the East Coast of the US.
Having forged a solid back catalogue that includes releases by Richard Gamble, Heartbloc and Drooids, LSE step up this time with their tenth delivery and didn’t miss the occasion to put on a great spread. Spanning over three distinct twelve-inches forming the backbone to a massive VA triptych, the label’s conjured the cream of the crop of the North American underground scene: Bergsonist, Vapauteen, Stallone The Reducer, Jared Wilson… and many more.
Our premiere comes courtesy of a favourite in the person of 100% Silk and CGI Records affiliate Joel Shanahan aka Golden Donna, here dishing out an unbridled slab of acid-tech and brain-washing electronics set to stir up trouble on the dancefloor. As the drums beat a martial pulse, full-on whirlwinds of acidic essence loop the loop like a bird of prey, menacing and defiant, and when Shanahan eventually steps on the gas, you know you’re in good hands.
We Are What You Think We Are – LSE10.2 is released via Lost Soul Enterprises on 22nd September, pre-order a copy from Bandcamp.
1. LSE10.1 – A1. FBI Warning – Of Flesh
2. LSE10.1 – A2. Rose E Kross – Access Denied
3. LSE10.1 – B1. Collin Crowe – Never Gonna Die
4. LSE10.1 – B2. Bergsonist – Legacy of the Modernist Worldview
5. LSE10.1- B3. Stallone the Reducer – Impossible Theater
6. LSE10.2 – A1. Jared Wilson – Frankenacid
7.LSE10.2 – A2. Maroje T – Bosnian Witch
8. LSE10.2 – B1. Golden Donna – Soteriophobia
9. LSE10.2 – B2. Shit and Shine – Dallas Skyline
10. LSE10.2 – B3. Peter Fonda – If You Rave Just Right
11. LSE10.3 – A1. J Tijn – Offside
12. LSE10.3 – A2. Richard P – Subjectivity
13. LSE10.3 – A3. Michael Kuntzman – Space Bugs
14. LSE10.3 – B1. Vapauteen – Lost Again
15. LSE10.3 – B2. Motiv-A – Ectom
Discover more about Golden Donna and Lost Soul Enterprises on Inverted Audio.