Zak Khutoretsky’s DVS1 alias may have made him his name with an impeccable succession of techno releases on imprints such as Klockworks and Transmat; he also runs the exciting Mistress Recordings and Hush labels. 2014 is already a big year for the American producer as he leaps back onto the scene with no less than three records in six months.
Having provided Klockworks 05 and 08, DVS1 is now back to deliver the thirteenth iteration of the series with a solid three track EP of muscular yet nuanced techno. So subtle actually that the title track could even fit in the house category with its stripped-back groove and piano-laden obsessive melody if it weren’t for this classic, tentacular techno rhythm. Zak knows how to make his kicks curvy and barbed at the same time and despite the global minimality of ‘Black Russian‘, he certainly manages to breathe enough soul into his well-oiled mechanisms to turn it into a potential, timeless Berghain classic.
In the style of his Klockworks 05, ‘Creeping‘ and ‘Spying‘ both return to the dark, gloomy atmosphere for which DVS1 is known. As mental as can be, Zak quietly unleashes a flotilla of heavyweight kicks that come washing up while high-pitched synth chords bubble along. At first listen, it sounds like the perfect material of transition for deep techno sets – but the finesse and accuracy with which the man crafts his pieces prevents both tracks from falling into the merely-utilitarian pitfall. Instead, both tracks (‘Spying‘ in particular) turn out to develop into far-out, mind-boggling club tunes that keep up with Zak’s high standards of production.
With ‘Black Russian‘, DVS1 delivers yet another well-rounded, inch-perfect techno record but also adds some welcomed warmth to his groove discipline with a title track that’s just on the verge of turning world’s most exigent dance floors upside down.
Discover more about DVS1 and Klockworks on Inverted Audio.