After digesting the nonsensical accompanying blurb of disjointed phrases and staring the stark black font on white background cover art in the face, there is a feeling that Objekt #3 is examining you and not the other way round. Contained within are two tracks of unrelenting tech breaks that knock you over and pin you down, ignoring all protestations for respite.
Brutal from the off, Agnes Demise‘s first beat kick is like a swift boot to your sensitive bits, culminating in an almighty meltdown of Gantz Graf proportions mid track. Although less aggressive, Fishbone repeatedly nicks you with razor sharp electro beats, the surgical precision equally as effective as Agnes Demise‘s heavy handed beating. Bruised and confused, you will rise up grinning after Objekt #3 is finished and beg for more.
A1. Agnes Demise
A2. Agnes Infinitum
A3. Agnes Continuum
B1. Fishbone
B2. Fishloop 1
B3. Fishloop 2
B4. Fishloop 3
Discover more about Objekt on Inverted Audio.