Ahead of Make Me‘s event this Saturday at Corsica Studio‘s with Cosmin TRG and Efdemin playing back to back all night in Room 1, we caught up with Cosmin TRG to find out more about the dynamic of him DJing together with Phillip Sollmann aka Efdemin and what else he has planned for 2014. Cosmin has also put together a 10 track mix tape featuring music from STL, Planetary Assault System, Rrose, Truss, Porter Ricks and more.
You and Phillip have played back to back before. How do you think you play together? From track selection, to the overall meld of musical minds and your approach to DJing?
I think the main ingredient is that there’s no intention of one-upping each other, it’s not about egos in the booth. We build a night from scratch and that’s very daunting and exciting at the same time. It’s all very fluid as well: if one of us wants to play longer then it happens; if the direction of the night needs changing, we change it. It’s just very important that we establish a direct connection to the crowd and everyone’s on the same vibe.
Have the two of you been discussing what records to pack or play for the Make Me night at Corsica Studios?
No, I think the element of surprise is key when we play, and it’s great that even if we have the same tastes we manage not to pack the exact same records.
What’s your experience of Corsica Studios Room 1?
I haven’t played Room 1 before so I’m really looking forward to it. I love the size of the venue and the punchy system, I think it’s great for the kind of music we play. A sexy hypnotic sweatbox of creative energy is my idea of a good night, so…
How do you see your music differing from one another? After all Phillip has just released his third and more techno focussed album ‘Decay’ on Dial.
I think Phillip’s angle is a tiny bit more musical whereas I focus on texture, but we’re both fairly conceptual in what we do, so we cover the same ground. The differences are only slightly stylistic, but that’s where great things start happening.
You’ve just released your new music video for ‘Repetitiv‘? What else are you working on for your record label ‘Fizic’?
It was an amazing experience to be back on a set and working with great people, I really enjoyed the process as much as the outcome in this music video. Hopefully I will be able to shoot a video for the second release on Fizic, which will probably see the light before the end of the year. With Fizic I want to bring nice physical products which look, feel and sound great, so I’ll focus on keeping those standards up.
Following Phillip and Marcel Fengler’s collaboration as DIN, do you envisage working with Phillip in the studio to produce music together?
Definitely, should the opportunity arise, I’m sure some quirky stuff could come out of that!
What else do you have panned for 2014?
More studio time, more travelling, more visual exploration – we live exciting times.
1. lesope Drift – Vamasi [Seico Corp Recordings]
2. STL – Ghostly Ambit [Something]
3. Planetary Assault Systems – Haiku [Mote-Evolver]
4. Interr-Ference – X-Wing [Reference Analogue Audio]
5. Rrose – Shepherd’s Brine [Sandwell District]
6. Archetype – Metamorph [Black Nation Records]
7. Ø [Phase] – Obscura A1 [Inceptive]
8. Truss – Beacon [Our Circula Sound]
9. Porter Ricks – Port Gentil [Chain Reaction]
10. Remarc – Ice Cream & Syrup [Suburban Base Records]
> Make Me with Efdemin b2b Cosmin TRG all night at Corsica Studios
Discover more about Cosmin TRG and Make Me on Inverted Audio.
Cosmin TRG50 WeaponsFizicRunning BackHouseTechnoMake Me