The second EP from Jamaica Suk’s four-part ‘Uncertain Landscape‘ compilation arrives in quick succession from the last, with five techno heaters coming from Insolate, Helrad, Keith Carnal, Manuel di Martino and Nicholas Bougaïeff.
As a whole, ‘Gradient 005‘ contains the type of searing club energy one could expect from Pornceptual events, where Jamaica Suk is resident. As such, it’s difficult to select a single track that best showcases the EP as a whole.
Insolate’s ‘Sanchin‘, takes a place in our hearts, tying a delicate balance of shimmering, echoed elements and rugged, emotive instruments into an undeniable dancefloor shifter.
Delicate might be a strange word to use here, as nothing about the sound here is light or gentle — the bass on this one in particular is enough to level a house. Watch out for the consecutive upward shifts; as Insolate brews a dark potion that should be consumed when the energy is reaching its absolute zenith.
‘Uncertain Landscape V/A Part 02’ is scheduled for release 12 October via Gradient. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
A1. Nicolas Bougaïeff – Nocturne 1
A2. Keith Carnal – Infringement
B1. Helrad – Groove Addicts
B2. Insolate – Sanchin
B2. Manuel Di Martino – Runout