Once based in Geneva, now rooted in the farthest reaches of strangest outer space, Brainwaves‘ intergalactic showdown series continues with a 10-tune spar between Lastrack & Tout Casser.
The label have set out on a mission, pairing up friends within the label’s circle to clash among the stars as alien alter-egos, brought to vivid life by Brainwaves’ in-house designer. After Estebahn & Yolek’s opening round of breaky trance damagers, Lastrack and Tout Casser take to nimble break-influenced bangers, killing the listener with that 90’s dreamy kindness more than rough hardcore rave — but don’t expect placid tones and same-old tricks.
As with the previous EP, Lastrack and Tout Casser trade blows solo before colliding together at the end, remixing each other’s material. It forms a compact reference of their individual music as well as their ability to square off.
Tout Casser’s “Broken in Half-Time” remix of ‘Wandering Louis‘ is a stand-out highlight of the EP: the original’s hard, morphing stabs, glitching drums and Bladerunner synths are repurposed into a dubstep-styled wonder, merging break futurism and deep bassline magic, riding the line of UK influence with a modern, all-genres-welcome approach. Gold dust mined from asteroids, tip!
‘Lastrack vs Tout Casser’ is out 5 November via Brainwaves. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
1. Lastrack – Announcement
2. Tout Casser – Pentagon Fun
3. Lastrack – Wandering Louis
4. Tout Casser – La Vigie
5. Lastrack – Liquid State Reggaeton (Repressed Emotions Edit)
6. Tout Casser – The Limbo Trick
7. Lastrack – Axel Phif Part 1
8. Tout Casser – Morceau à louer
9. Wandering Louis (Tout Casser’s Broken in Half-Time Remix)
10. Morceau à louer (Lastrack’s Doomed Version)