In the past few years, Kassem Mosse – real name Gunnar Wendel – has been a surefire winner for every label he’s released music on, from Mikrodisko and Workshop to Nonplus, Mosse is the kind of guy who never disappoints. Here providing us with his delicious sense of beat architecture tinged with that touch of bizarre beauty that makes his music so special, this herald of his unique brand of twisted neo tech-house has built some of the most intriguing and listenable pieces of electronic music we’ve had the fortune of listening to.
After eight years of effective experiments on EPs and collabs, Dr. Wendelstein felt it was the right time to bring the full length monster to life. The result: nine tracks and almost an hour of music to walk, dance, think and breathe to that are both cerebral and vibrant.
Kassem Mosse tickles his Rhodes, switches octaves and one pictures him cracking his knuckles, moving his neck from right to left. The recital is about to begin.
A1 immediately sets the tone; KM is a player. He likes to mess with the DNA of his tracks, make it boil a little, fiddling with notes and rhythm before dropping the first kick, perfectly in touch with his subject.
A2 and B1 are the highlights of this first act, implacable groove machines with percussions washing ashore, waves of vintage synths hitting dangerous reefs of hi-hats and heavy kicks beating the surface like ground-swells.
The second plate adds more reverb, both figuratively and literally. While C1 and D1 have this melancholic touch which recalls Mathew Jonson’s ‘When Love Feels Like Crying‘, C2 mixes a deadened synth with an industrial, mesmerizing groove, hi-hats crashing along and preventing your attention from a last drift.
Kafka had this desire to write his complex stories in a language that even ‘little people’ could enjoy. It seems the same thing applies with Kassem Mosse. Mixing heady expectations with a groove that leaves no one left behind, once more Mr Wendel delivers a near-perfect plate; patiently making his mark in electronic music’s history books.
1. Untitled A1
2. Untitled A2
3. Untitled A3
4. Untitled B1
5. Untitled B2
6. Untitled B3
7. Untitled C1
8. Untitled C2
9. Untitled D1
Discover more about Kassem Mosse and Workshop on Inverted Audio.