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Nuel: Unveiled

Rich of a multiplicity of listening levels and quite unfathomable deepness, Nuel’s music is creating a unique, alienated intimacy with its listener. For they are so unfettered and carefully textured, it’s fair to say these tracks haven’t finished to drip-feed their penetrating fragrance.

Best Releases: April 2016

Our April roundup is here and all set to disclose some of the past month’s finest fragrances! The selection makes for a bracing shower of hefty floor artillery, washed-out smooth sailers and other shady night hunters. Get locked!

Donato Dozzy & Nuel: The Aquaplano Sessions

The sessions here may seem a little rough and exploratory when compared to their most recent work, but they are an interesting curiosity in the history of the artists and the unique area of electronic music they inhabit.