Munich based record label RFR have been bringing together a diverse series of artists for their Bavarian Stallion Series since 2017. Artists that have guested on the strictly various releases include the likes of the Zenker Brothers, Stenny, Schlachthofbronx, Kessel Vale, and Jichael Mackson.
Having set itself – and met – a strict itinerary of nine releases in the series, the label embarked on a remix project diving back through the catalogue to date. This has seen an incredible roster of individuals contribute to date, including Eduardo De La Calle, Redshape, XDB and Hrdvsion.
We take our premiere from the third remix package, sitting alongside a Reformed Society remix of Macchina Nera ‘Hunting Nightly‘ is Shed’s stonkingly percussive rendition of Jonas Friedlich ‘Jazzersizzzze‘. Full of machine funk, this is the sort of material that is straight off the shelf and into the box.
‘Bavarian Stallion Remix Series 3’ is scheduled for release 5 March. Order a copy from Bandcamp.
A. Jonas Friedlich – Jazzersizzzze (Shed Remix)
B. Macchina Nera – Hunting Nightly (Reformed Society Remix)