This is heady, atmospheric dynamite just waiting to be wielded by the right hands.
Results1549Clock Strikes 13 reveal lineups for London event series
Armed with an uncompromising vision for the future of electronic music, Clock Strikes 13 is an event series breaking new ground by uniting iconic labels, artists and venues in a way never done before.
Premiere: Amirali ‘Fearful Stay (Aboutface Staring Into The Sun Mix)’
We’re premiering Aboutface’s remix and music video made for Amirali’s Dark Matters debut release. The VHS degenerated music video was predominantly shot in Victoria Park, London, amalgamated with found VHS footage.
Sa Pa: Fuubutsushi
A brittle, broken audio hallucinogen – mixing the outside world with the club and creating a compelling netherworld in the process.
Download: Kit Grill ‘Swimmer’
Following the recent release of “Europe” on Primary Colours, London-based producer Kit Grill returns with Swimmer, an exclusive track now available as a free download, exclusively through Inverted Audio.
Robert Henke presents Lumiere II at Festival Forte
In anticipation of Festival Forte, the organisers have released this video teaser of Robert Henke’s forthcoming open-air laser spectacle “Lumiere II”, which the German artist will perform within the bailey of the Montemor-o-Velho Castle in Portugal between 27th and 29th August.
Premiere: Ikpathua ‘Tape Paranoia’ – Directed by Peter Kunz
Today, we’re glad to bring you the exclusive premiere of Ikpathua’s music video “Tape Paranoia” directed by videographer Peter Kunz – If you’re a fan of Chris Cunningham’s Rubber Johnny…delve in.
Music Video: Simo Cell ‘Cellar Door’ – Directed by Ndayé Kouagou
Celebrating the release of Simo Cell’s debut EP today (31st July 2015) on Livity Sound’s sub label dnuoS ytiviL, we’re proud to bring you the video premiere for his
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WIFE speaks post-performance at Red Bull Music Academy x SónarDome
We caught up with Berlin based musician WIFE post-performance at the 2015 edition of the Red Bull Music Academy stage at Sónar Festival. – Stream the full live recording of WIFE’s performance at Sónar.
Simo Cell to release debut EP on Livity Sound
French producer Simon Aussel aka Simo Cell will release his debut single ‘Cellar Door / Piste Jaune’ thorugh Livity Sound’s sister label Dnuos Ytivil on 31st July 2015.
Neversleep: Propaganda Mix
Following their excellent debut release on Phonica White a couple of weeks ago, we asked UK-based collective Neversleep to record a mix for us good folks
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Antepop mixes ‘Nacht Forest’ ahead of Stamp The Wax stage at Farr Festival
The vinyl only mix features music from Lee Gamble, Morgan Louis, Foreign, M.Rav, Young Male, Christopher Rau, Big Strick, Beautiful Swimmers, Rezzett, Actress, Florian Kupfer, DJ Koze, Luke Abbott and DJ Richard.
Top Tracks: June – July 2015
From praised summer anthems that we just couldn’t keep out of this list to more discreet records you might have slept on, we’ve built a coherent and thought-provoking playlist for you to enjoy.
Watch Robert Henke’s lecture on his laser + sound performance “Lumiere”
Robert Henke discusses the process behind his new laser and sound performance “Lumiere II” and offers a glimpse into his forthcoming spectacle at Festival Forte, Portugal on Thursday 27th August 2015.
One Man and His Tandy: The Story behind Ben Zimmerman’s “The Baltika Years”
We spoke to Ben Zimmerman about his new album ‘The Baltika Years’, a collection of recordings created between 1992 and 2002 mostly using a Tandy DeskMate computer.
Journeymann Trax: Smoke Tape
The ‘Smoke Tape’ sound is as much that of floating across a late night city landscape as it is a sun dappled walk through a rain forest. It’s no easy feat to serve up these sounds in new contexts but Draino and the 1080p team deliver perfectly here.