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Sónar 2015

Jehan Harding and Tom Durston report their experience of Sónar 2015.

Lifted: 1

Lifted’s debut is the rare album, which feels purely next-level, like music beamed from an idealised future. And on its best moments, like Mint or the sparkling chill of closer Medicated Yoga, that future is very jazzy indeed.

Helm: Olympic Mess

‘Experimental’ music often fails to relate to any tangible experience. Compositions are marvelled at for their imagination, academic brilliance or technical wizardry, but fail to connect beyond that. With Olympic Mess, Younger has succeeded in capturing a time and a place, using murky intensity to document modern London.

Top Tracks: May 2015

Summer’s here, so come take a listen to our pick of May’s finest tracks. On the menu is a high vitamin cocktail of warm grooves and ethereal melodies, deep scapes and scalding-hot synth radiations. Drop off your shoes and get your feet to the nearest beach.

Dial: All

After over a decade of frantic explorations, tirelessly shedding barks and shaping new sound perspectives via pared down canons, Dial is now up to celebrate its 15th birthday with a high-flying anniversary compilation soberly titled All.

Herbert: The Shakes

The Shakes is evidence that Herbert’s creative juices are still flowing at a great pace and the twilight of his career could be some way away. Some may disregard it for it’s zealous flirtations with mainstream pop, but this would be foolish as his sonic vitality will always overpower and turn this supposed weakness into a strength.

Geena: Pure Ground Research

In the wake of three well-rounded releases dropped on the ever faultless Antinote imprint, Nicolas Molina aka Geena returns this spring with a fourth episode of his spaced-out ventures on the Parisian outlet.