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Herbert: The Shakes

The Shakes is evidence that Herbert’s creative juices are still flowing at a great pace and the twilight of his career could be some way away. Some may disregard it for it’s zealous flirtations with mainstream pop, but this would be foolish as his sonic vitality will always overpower and turn this supposed weakness into a strength.

45 ACP: Change Of Tone

“Change Of Tone” is one of those pieces where mere words cannot capture how well constructed it is. So consider this haphazard arrangement of basic English vocabulary to be the waving of a flare;”Change Of Tone” is really rather good and most certainly not for sleeping on.

Viktor Birgiss: Hverfum Um Stund EP

Icelandic record label Lagaffe Tales latest release is from label boss Viktor Birgiss delivering 5 well crafted tracks to the table; each crammed with goodness from start to finish.

Art Crime: Obsession EP

Obsession EP keeps unfolding through its own space-time continuum, hatching highly-euphonious harmonics and sassy groove science in a constant shift of tempo.

submerse: Stay Home

Stay Home ups the tempo ante from submerse’s previous release “Slow Waves”…Where Slow Waves dwelt on reminiscence, Stay Home synthesizes a hybrid of this style, juxtaposing a hip-hop instrumental back bone with busy urban life.

Geena: Pure Ground Research

In the wake of three well-rounded releases dropped on the ever faultless Antinote imprint, Nicolas Molina aka Geena returns this spring with a fourth episode of his spaced-out ventures on the Parisian outlet.

Glenn Astro: Throwback

Glenn Astro was coy in our interview last week on what was to come next in his career, but with such a strong body of work under his belt now he needn’t be losing too much sleep.

Delia Gonzalez: In Remembrance

This is a record that slots into the exciting things happening in the fields of modern classical and analogue techno, and yet simultaneously stands on its own in that it sounds like absolutely nothing else that has been released this year.

Nebraska: Stand Your Ground

After a four year hiatus Ali Gibbs returns under his Nebraska moniker dropping not one but two platters of sun-streaked material that should enchant many summer parties out there.

Roger West: Wasted House

While there might not be a clarity to West’s sound, it can certainly be found in his vision. These sounds are corrupted but sacrifice neither force nor catchiness. It’s a triumph of execution.

JMMF: Newmanos / Paraesthesia

For its sixth instalment, Steve Summers’ imprint Confused House returns with a solid plate of psychoactive late day jams by mysterious producer JMMF.

Max Loderbauer and Jacek Sienkiewicz: Ridges

If you were to feed Klaus Kinski potent acid then plonk him wild eyed and battered in a deep alpine ravine whilst Herzog filmed the consequences – ‘Ridges’ would aptly soundtrack the unfolding scenes.

Paranoid London: Paranoid London

About as purist as it gets, shadowy London outfit Paranoid London draws from the rawest period of acid house without ever succumbing to throwback.

Cosmjn: Drops

French vinyl-only imprint Fragil returns with a mesmerizing 2-track plate by Romanian producer Cosmjn, including a sexy remix by Marcellus Pittman. Deep soil session.

Madteo: Raveyard Shifts

Anxiety is over, or has it just started growing on you? One thing is sure, Madteo’s paranoid cuts lost nothing of their fearful charm.

Buffered Multiple: Buffer 01

Three years after its beginnings, Efdemin’s imprint Lirum Larum is back with a second effort by Vienna-based duo Buffered Multiple, supported by a remix from Efdemin himself.