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Best Albums of 2018

Having kept our opinion quiet over the past two years, we’ve compiled what we believe to be the best albums of 2018.

Norman Nodge talks up his first release in seven years ‘Embodiment’

When it comes to holding up a golden standard as a techno DJ, there are few at the level of Berghain resident Norman Nodge. To celebrate the release of his ‘Embodiment’ EP on Ostgut Ton we caught up with Nodge for a quick fire Q&A and a pounding 88-min mix from the man himself.

James Lavelle and The Man From Mo’Wax

Following the release of ‘The Man From Mo’Wax’, an excellent documentary telling the story of James Lavelle’s rise to prominence and fall, we caught up with the man himself to discuss his past, present and future.

We will fail talks dancing and avoiding the club scene altogether

We caught up with Polish producer and graphic designer We Will Fail ahead of her performance at Unsound Festival 2018 to dig a little deeper into what brought upon this unique sense of ‘self’ into her work. In addition we are happy to present a track premiere from the album, “Put Your Hands Up In The Air”.

Pulsewidth: X-Kalay

X-Kalay label founder Sam Astbury busts all possible affiliations and putative genre classification to dish out a solar-powered journey across seaside dreamscapes, seesawing acid reliefs and other opulently textured off-piste trails. Warm, soothing, all-round sprightly house vibrations aplenty.

Gag Flag: Maoupa Mazzocchetti talks up his second album on Editions Gravats

We caught up with Maoupa Mazzocchetti to delve further into the ins and outs of his complex, pigeonhole-proof musical realm. With his trademark sense of humour and generous eloquence, the French producer takes us back to the sources of ‘Gag Flag’ but also speaks studio methods, wider artistic vision as well as his large stream of influences.

Moscow based producer Kate NV talks up her new album on RVNG Intl.

Following the recent release of для FOR on RVNG Intl, Kate NV has collaborated with visual artist Sasha Kulak on a short film to accompany the album. Inverted Audio caught up with her to learn about the process that brought the record to both wax and screen.