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Archie Pelago: Lakeside Obelisk

This EP does what Archie Pelago have always done so well: by juxtaposing and collaging such disparate musical tropes, it creates something much more than a mere portmanteau of genera for fickle novelty, but an entirely new mode of approaching the boundaries we impose on music.

Ital: Workshop 18

A. Ice Drift (Stalker Mix)
B1. Pulsed
B2. Slower Degrees Of Separation


Here at Inverted Audio, we’ve been really impressed by a lot of the year’s mixes. Artists such as Gerry Read, Monokle, Darling Farah, and Blue Daisy
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Ital: Hive Mind

Quite in the same way that the pioneers of early house music in Chicago and Detroit made their voices heard with messages of hope for their
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