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Gunnar Haslam: Ataxia No Logos

Both curiously languid and fast-paced, hot and cold, Ataxia No Logos resists easy interpretations and judgmental approaches by simply remaining an evasive object of musical desire. The epitome of sexiness.

Caribou: Our Love

It really would have been a lot to ask of Dan Snaith to produce an LP of the same calibre as ‘Swim’ but sadly “Our Love” does fall on a lower level of pedigree.

Paul White Mix Tape: Shaker Notes

Paul White discusses the makings of his new album ‘Shaker Notes’, plus his relationship with Peckham in South East London. Paul White has also compiled a 10 track YouTube Mix Tape, featuring music from The Beatles, J Dilla, Michael Jackson, Bob Marley, Chris Isaak and more.

Boothroyd: Idle Hours

The Mancunian newcomer’s debut EP on Tri Angle Records is a respectable salut to former leftfield icons such as Amon Tobin, and a pathfinding effort in the ever-renewing scene of unclassifiable future forecasting machine music.

Aphex Twin: Syro

Aphex Twin’s return to the studio album format begs one question of Syro: has absence made the heart grow fonder, or is the return of Aphex Twin one of a man outside of his time?

Get Lost VII compiled by Craig Richards

Seemingly effortless, Craig Richard’s Get Lost VII demonstrates today’s wonderful disregard for entrenched genres. A knowing nod to the themes of current musical fashion is given but also a lesson in respecting roots and resisting the need to chase the latest and greatest.

Lee Gamble: KOCH

As with ‘Diversions 1994-96’ and ‘Dutch Tvashar Plumes’ this is absolutely an album of deconstruction – stripping the genres of jungle and techno, treating them as if musical cadavers and dissecting, reconstructing.