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Dial: All

After over a decade of frantic explorations, tirelessly shedding barks and shaping new sound perspectives via pared down canons, Dial is now up to celebrate its 15th birthday with a high-flying anniversary compilation soberly titled All.

Herbert: The Shakes

The Shakes is evidence that Herbert’s creative juices are still flowing at a great pace and the twilight of his career could be some way away. Some may disregard it for it’s zealous flirtations with mainstream pop, but this would be foolish as his sonic vitality will always overpower and turn this supposed weakness into a strength.

Art Crime: Obsession EP

Obsession EP keeps unfolding through its own space-time continuum, hatching highly-euphonious harmonics and sassy groove science in a constant shift of tempo.

Dave DK discusses “Val Maira”

Last month we were invited to Kompakt’s HQ in Berlin for a catch up with Dave DK and to discuss his stunning new album “Val Maira”, recently released on Kompakt.

Glenn Astro: Throwback

Glenn Astro was coy in our interview last week on what was to come next in his career, but with such a strong body of work under his belt now he needn’t be losing too much sleep.

Delia Gonzalez: In Remembrance

This is a record that slots into the exciting things happening in the fields of modern classical and analogue techno, and yet simultaneously stands on its own in that it sounds like absolutely nothing else that has been released this year.

Glenn Astro discusses Throwback LP

Berlin based producer Glenn Astro discusses his forthcoming album ‘Throwback’ on Tartelet Records, and shares some insight into his collaborations with Max Graef and IMYRMIND.