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Zeitgeber: Zeitgeber

A1 Closely Related
A2 These Rhythms
A3 Skin
B1 None Of Their Defects
B2 From Here
C Now Imagine
D1 Before They Wake
D2 Display 24


Krake is a week long festival of experimental electronic music in Berlin that takes place between 5th – 10th August 2013 in a variety of venues
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The Black Dog

Like a collection of precious trinkets locked within a cabinet, The Black Dog‘s new album ‘Tranklements‘ is a collection of emotions and thoughts that founder members
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DjRum: Seven Lies

In a sense, all music is sound collage. Musicians layer discrete instruments or synths to turn disassociated fragments into a coherent whole. Unfortunately in the dance
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The Haxan Cloak

Earlier this year we met up with The Haxan Cloak aka Bobby Krilic at Hackney Downs Studios in London to discover more about his new album
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James Blake: Overgrown

1. Overgrown
2. I Am Sold
3. Life Around Here
4. Take A Fall For Me
5. Retrograde
6. DLM
7. Digital Lion
8. Voyeur
9. To The last
10. Our Love Comes Back

Dam Mantle

Ahead of his live performance this Saturday at the NOTOWN Records London showcase we caught up with Dam Mantle aka Tom Marshallsay to find out more about
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Anthony Child

For a lot of us Anthony Child is better known as Surgeon, under which he produces techno and operates his two record labels Dynamic Tension and
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