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Berlin Atonal 2018

Challenging sonics have always been the appeal of Berlin Atonal. This years edition proved to be an immersive five-day marathon showcasing the very best of avant-garde music, audio-visual arts and a whirlwind of creativity. Madara Fridenvalde shares her personal experience of the festival that featured world premieres, rare bookings and first-time collaborations.

Gag Flag: Maoupa Mazzocchetti talks up his second album on Editions Gravats

We caught up with Maoupa Mazzocchetti to delve further into the ins and outs of his complex, pigeonhole-proof musical realm. With his trademark sense of humour and generous eloquence, the French producer takes us back to the sources of ‘Gag Flag’ but also speaks studio methods, wider artistic vision as well as his large stream of influences.