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Video Premiere: Benedikt Frey ‘Lights’ – Directed by Moskalus

Known for championing the lo-fi aesthetic via slick FX-drowned visual pieces for some of the dust-and-hiss scene’s hottest producers, Moskalus frames Benedikt Frey’s ‘Lights‘ into a murky superimposition of chopped-and-screwed B-grade horror movie sequences gone shapeless.

Best Releases: April 2016

Our April roundup is here and all set to disclose some of the past month’s finest fragrances! The selection makes for a bracing shower of hefty floor artillery, washed-out smooth sailers and other shady night hunters. Get locked!

Lucy: Self Mythology

If you are looking for anything remotely resembling a dance floor work out, this is mostly not the place. But if you fancy a lysergically drenched folkloric voyage then please come in, brace yourself, and enjoy the journey.

HOLOVR: Trace Realm EP

Jimmy Billingham’s new effort ‘Trace Realm‘ is just as much of an introspective journey as it offers more expressive, outgoing combinations. Brushing a vibrant mosaic brimming with chopped-up keyboard chords and volatile acid-drenched arpeggios, the Rephlex vibe is here and banging, summoning the ghosts of Bochum Welt and Dave Monolith without striking the old-school-savvy pose.

Premiere: Melly – Skip Fire (Lumigraph Remix)

After debuting on Where To Now? last year, Melly makes his return to the Brighton-via-London label with ‘Flying Ducks’. Today we’re proud to present Lumigraph’s remix of ‘Skip Fire’ – rolling out a shamanic invocation over a prophetic four-note melody, all driven by a deep low-end groove.

Buttechno: 7

When counting the number of acts that work on throwing off the yoke of lazy, unimaginative 4/4 tropes that plague a good lot of the techno-stamped efforts, the name of Russian producer Pavel Milyakov aka Buttechno obviously comes to mind.

Lutto Lento

Warsaw-based producer Lutto Lento serves up a multidirectional mashup of tribal techno, tape-saturated house, free jazz digressions and weird vocal sampling. He also discusses future releases, studio setup and unsung heroes.

Sentry: Stranger As A Friend

Experiencing an accelerated development since their last couple of outings that confirmed the hopes placed on it with poise and presence, the label keeps the ball rolling with a new effort coming courtesy of the mysterious Sentry.

Globex: Inversia 1

Getting out in the light for the release and release only, this is how Acting Press operates – each offering being delivered as an autonomous piece, existing in and for itself whilst driven by the immediacy of the consecrated in-club experience. A silent process crowned with massive impact.