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Batu: False Reeds EP

Regardless of how you want to indulge in the release, the sheer range in sculpting each sound is an instrument in itself on ‘False Reeds’ that makes Batu one of the most original producers out of the UK.

Acronym: Mistress of the Copper Mountain

Acronym has long been more than worthy of attention, and now with Stilla Ton further cementing the reputation there’s all the more reason to watch: he has another outlet to release music through.

Gaunt: She’s No Patsy

Not So Much only rears its head occasionally, but each time it pops up with something weirder than the usual fare gripped in its teeth. The latest offering goes to show not only that Gaunt is stepping into stride, but also that Not So Much remains worth keeping an eye out for, however long we have to keep ’em peeled.

Kasper Marott: ​Forever Mix EP

Following on from Kulør’s thunderous VA debut that concentrated on the accelerated, powerhouse sounds of the Stockholm’s techno scene, this release sees the focus shift to the more softer side of the scene that is perhaps sometimes unfortunately overlooked.

Alessandro Adriani: Morphic Dreams

Following from the ‘Embryo’ EP, Adriani unleashes his full album, delving deeper into the conceptual constructs introduced on the precursor with analogue formations blessed by Adriani’s highly developed taste for pace and friction.