The second IA Radio show on bloop aired on Sunday 23rd March. The two hour show was hosted by Antepop and was split into two parts. The first hour consisted of a new music and promo mix featuring music from Loops Haunt, Kassem Mosse, Teebs, Sula Bay, John Roberts, R-Zone, Legowelt and John Heckle.
The second hour consisted of a vinyl only DJ mix by Inverted Audio founder and editor-in-chief Tom Durston, featuring music from Evian Christ, Vril, Mint (Wolfgang Voigt), Levon Vincent, Galcher Lustwerk, Florian Kupfer, Carl Craig and many more.
The next Inverted Audio radio show will air on Sunday 6th April from 8-10pm. If you’d like to contact us about getting your music featured on the show email radio@inverted-audio.com
Stream the recording via Soundcloud.
1. Loops Haunt ‘Fissure’ [Black Acre]
2. Kassem Mosse ‘Untitled B3’ [Workshop]
3. DJ Sprinkles ‘Midtown 120 Blues’ [Mule Musiq]
4. Axel Boman ‘Hello’ [Studio Barnhus]
5. Bibio ‘Dinghy’ [Warp Records]
6. Actress ‘Our’ [Werkdiscs]
7. Teebs ‘Wavxxes’ [Brainfeeder]
8. Sula Bay ‘Basic Error’
9. John Roberts ‘Faces’ [Dial]
10. Moire ‘I Don’t Get It’ [Rush Hour]
11. R-Zone ‘Down You Go’ [R-Zone]
12. Legowelt ‘Fundamental Superstition’ [Crème Organisation]
13. John Heckle ‘DDT’ [Scenery]
1. Evian Christ ’Duga-3’ [Tri Angle]
2. Vril ‘Torus XXXII’ [Forum]
3. Mint ‘Hochlicht’ [Profan]
4. Odd Machine ‘Phase Out’ [Non Standard Productions]
5. Levon Vincent ‘Double Jointed Sex Freak (Part 1)’ [Novel Sound]
6. Galcher Lustwerk ‘Fate’ [Tsuba]
7. Moodymann ‘Dem Young Sconies’ [Decks Classix]
8. Florian Kupfer ‘This Society’ [L.I.E.S]
9. Maurizio ‘Domina (Carl Craig’s Mind Mix)’ [Maurizio]
10. Claro Intelecto ‘Chadderton’ [Modern Love]
11. Vril ‘Torus LXIV’ [Forum]
12. Christopher Rau ‘The Green Bean’ [Junk Yard Connections]
13. Circuit Diagram ‘Motown (Davenport Bei Den Kranichen Mix)’ [No Counter]