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Various Artists: Dawn Records Various Artists #1

After a string of boundary-pushing releases on both digital and 12″ formats, Parisian label Dawn Records deliver a polyamorous jumble of machine-based music for literally anyone keen on transcendental trips and off-the-leash audio deconstructivism.

Zenker Brothers look back at 10 years of Ilian Tape

With the release of their new compilation – A Decade Ilian Tape – featuring artists from past, present…or just stopping by (Hi, “Seelow”) – the Zenker Brothers have provided Inverted Audio with an excellent primer of the label’s catalogue.

Belisha Beacon: This Is Fine

Belisha Beacon’s ‘This Is Fine’ forgoes esoteric sampling and analogue fetishism to revel in the code and wires of its creation. Instead of descending into grain tinged nostalgia or tech’d up futurism, the five track set exists in the fundamental principles of computer music – using entry level software to live code an ever shifting tapestry of minimal techno.

Marsesura: Barry Hats / Sandra Breaks

Following DIVISI 62’s line of “blurring the long lineage of musical idioms in the process”, Marsesura’s new single ‘Barry Hats/Sandra Breaks’ sees the pair bridging remote sound polarities, delving from the Asian continent’s colourful instrumental richness to the US twin cities’ profuse legacy with equal poise.

Ricardo Tobar: Red Sea

Ricardo Tobar takes the chance away from the more listening angled album format to roll out a title track with main room aspirations; yet, while ‘Red Sea’ is the obvious headliner, it is the supporting cast that steal a march. The most earnest welcome back for Tobar, here’s looking forward to more and with the hope of remaining free from the clutches of the torrent scene.

Artefakt: Kinship

Artefakt, with Kinship, have crafted something for the serious techno lovers, the people listening consciously and the boundaries in-between. Under scrutiny and overall, they’ve built a solid album of sustenance and no cream cheese filling.