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VA: Molten Moods 4

After two promising VAs and a debut solo instalment courtesy of Yamer partner in crime Jonas Friedlich two years ago, Munich-based imprint Molten Moods recently landed their fourth outing, featuring local staples Jonas Yamer, Skee Mask, Konrad Wehrmeister and Kessel Vale. All in all a fine-tuned tour de force, strongly cohesive and impeccably curated.

Low Jack: Riddims Du Lieu-Dit

While Low Jack’s sound globally remains entrenched in a certain rhythmic vein, his game-changing abilities need no further test, and neither does the motion-setting eminence of his work – widely recognised as a dependable locomotive and first-rate creative matrix by fellow artists out there. Low Jack is a catalyst and his newest full-length delivery on Editions Gravats acts accordingly.