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Pauline Anna Strom: Trans​-​Millenia Music

Trans-Millennia Music is a collision of the personal and the universal. A record made in an apartment that documents an artist constantly striving to reach beyond the boundaries of her reality.

Tzusing: 一瞬千撃

Following the drop of his eagerly-awaited debut album on L.I.E.S. a couple months ago, the Malaysia-born producer returns with his first EP on UAE’s finest Bedouin Records, ‘一瞬千撃’; and he’s angry to say the least.

Dasha Rush + LCC live at the Barbican

Milton Hall is described on the Barbican’s website as a perfect setting for choral and chamber music. Dasha Rush and Stanislav Glazov, and LCC and Pedro Maia, used this setting to point towards the huge possibilities of fully integrating electronic music with images.

In Focus: Errorsmith dissects ‘Superlative Fatigue’

Following the release of his album on PAN, we met up with Errorsmith in Neukölln for a face-to-face interview and photo shoot, as we looked to find out more about the making of his stunning album Superlative Fatigue.

Music Video: Babylon Crooks – Vapors

Today we’re glad to share the exclusive video for Babylon Crooks cosmo-telluric cut ‘Vapors’. Lumped together with a collage of motley archive footage and space-related imagery – the soft acidic throb and elegiac charm of the track allows your mind to wander freely until you zone out for good.