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Berlin Atonal 2018

Challenging sonics have always been the appeal of Berlin Atonal. This years edition proved to be an immersive five-day marathon showcasing the very best of avant-garde music, audio-visual arts and a whirlwind of creativity. Madara Fridenvalde shares her personal experience of the festival that featured world premieres, rare bookings and first-time collaborations.

Shinichi Atobe: Heat

Atobe certainly brought his A-game to the table on his most danceable record yet. Heat features all of the sonic touchstones that we’ve come to expect from his music and capitalizes on the best moments from the almost 20 years we’ve known him to exist.

Music Video: Asa 808 – Love Trumps Fear

Asa 808 ‘Love Trumps Fear’ is part of a double headed single whose flip side ‘Woke’ is already seeing mileage from Avalon Emerson, Breach, Frits Wentink, George FitzGerald and Whitesquare – that acts as a pre-cursor for a forthcoming mini-LP. Already the entrée bodes well for the main course.

Nachtdigital Flex

In its 21st year, Nachtdigital has no plans to grow up. With playfulness at its root, the festival creates an environment in which performers and partygoers can let loose. Here’s our personal account of our first ever experience (inc. photos and videos) of Nachtdigital.