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Juxta Position

As a DJ, Juxta Position is more focussed on one type of sound compared to the eclecticism of Marquis Hawkes. We caught up with the man behind the two aliases to discuss how got involved with DVS1’s Mistress Recordings and his music.

Sa Pa: MDR 015

Released on the Marcel Dettmann Records imprint, this second outing of Sa Pa is more directly intended for the club.

Young Male

Ahead of our rave this Friday, the NY-based producer recorded a pure 4/4-focused mix of sleek techno and hardened-steel material and discusses his European tour and upcoming White Material releases from Galcher Lustwerk and DJ Richard.

Dollkraut discusses ‘Hornet Green’

Following the release of his excellent new ‘Hornet Green’ EP for Charlois, we caught up with Dutch producer Dollkraut to discuss musical influences, current studio weaponry and upcoming projects.

Halloween: What’s going on London?

With Halloween in our shadow, it’s time to brush off those cobwebs and get freaky. As always the capital is showcasing some of the best line-ups of the year, so here’s a list of the most bloodcurdling nights that will help you on the journey to the afterlife (or after party).