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Lake Haze

While dispensing his unique blends of bleached-out techno grooves on TLR’s Crème Organisatrion and DJ Haus’ UTTU, or at the helm of his label Eye For An Eye, Lake Haze keeps pushing for a sound both hazy and sharp, melancholic but propulsive.

Djrum: Portrait With Firewood

Occasionally there’s an album that smacks you around the chops with its sheer brilliance. Not just a gentle slap engendering vague thoughts that you might listen to it again but rather a proper clump leaving you dizzy eyed and reaching for the replay.


NYC-based producer Solpara drops the hammer down in particularly heavy fashion, showing the most muscular facet of his persona up until you’ve learnt your lesson. Let go of your beach towel, sunglasses and lotion, it’s time to drape in black and stick your head into the squawker.

Nachtdigital Flex

In its 21st year, Nachtdigital has no plans to grow up. With playfulness at its root, the festival creates an environment in which performers and partygoers can let loose. Here’s our personal account of our first ever experience (inc. photos and videos) of Nachtdigital.


Ahead of their performance at Paral·lel Festival 2018 we caught up with Natural/Electronic.System. to find out more about their roots, collaboration with fellow Italian producer Neel and their relationship with the Paral·lel festival crew.

Heathered Pearls: Detroit, MI 1997 – 2001 Remixes

Heathered Pearls gathers an impressive cast to re-visit two of the tracks contained on the original release ‘Detroit, MI 1997 – 2001’ – The outcome are six excellent jams, so different from one another that you would hardly notice they all come from the same source at first listen.