Molly Macindoe has been documenting the ‘Free Party’ movement for over 12 years. Inspired by what she saw in her teenage years and motivated by friends
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Mike Winkelmann is a graphic designer living and working in Neenah, Wisconsin, USA. Beeple is the pseudonym for his personal work that includes short films, live
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Andreas Preis
Andreas Preis is an illustrator, designer and digital artist from Nuremburg, Germany. His work is done by hand and he employs various agents such as fineliners,
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Luke Abbott: A Video Retrospective
With an art school background encompassing a fine art degree from the School of Art & Design in Luke’s hometown of Norwich, Luke Abbott‘s fledgling musical
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Patricia Luna & Danae Diaz: Brandt Brauer Frick
If you picked up a copy of Brandt Brauer Frick‘s excellent album ‘You Make Me Real‘ in 2010, you may have noticed the intricate illustrations faceting
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Sculpture: Rotary Signal Emitter
Sculpture are an experimental audiovisual performance duo from London comprising of tape loop maverick, Dan Hayhurst, and the zoetrope projector manipulations of Reuben Sutherland. When it
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Seaquence is an experiment in musical composition. This flash based sequencer can be used by anyone, in fact it gets used by hundreds of people online
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Lab Binaer: Death Calls The Tune
Everyday we are susceptible to a mass of information and stimuli, be it relentless adverts, news reports, music or simple the hustle and bustle of our
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Marcin Ignac: Cindermedusae
Marcin Ignac is a multi-talented Polish artist, programmer and designer who currently lives and works in Copenhagen, Denmark. He is renowned for visualizing data. In this
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Skyence: INSCT
INST is a collaboration between Hamburg based producer and sound designer ‘Skyence’ [Audionerve] and Berlin based visual designer Johannes Timpernagel [You Me Awesome]. Animation was generated
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Benjamin Ducroz: PRESS +
‘Press +‘ is a network of shapes that influence one another. Every entity has it’s own form and movement, creating a string of mini-big bangs which
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Felix Thorn: Felix’s Machines
Felix Thorn was born in Brighton on 23rd December 1985. From an early age his artistic and creative talents were obvious. At the tender age of
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Fire (Jimmy Edgar Remix) Codebreaker Feat. Kathy Diamond
“None of the snow in this piece is simulated. I went out and show on the snowiest days of winter. The last scenes in the video
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KORB: I’ll Be Gone
KORB is a freelance based motion design studio founded by CGI director Rimantas Lukavicius. KORB focus on visual effects, motion graphics and mixed media projects. This video subtly showcases
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jtnimoy: BallDroppings
Joshua T. Nimoy is a Venetian code artist. He began working in this trade before the likes of Flash and Processing came to light. He has
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Chris Cunningham: In Focus
Chris Cunningham’s films are like nothing else on earth. His supremely original and surreal imagery will be appreciated for as long as there is sense in
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